Tuesday 3 June 2014

“Infertile” Lagos Couple Welcome Quadruplets after 4 Years


So good to hear stories like this.
A huge congratulations to a couple in Lagos, Helen and Bernard, who despite being diagnosed as almost infertile, welcomed a set of quadruplets with the help of ART – Assisted Reproductive Therapy, 4 years after marriage.
Speaking to Good Health Weekly, in the early stages of the treatment at the Medical ART Centre, Lagos, Helen was given a diagnoses of lack of ovulation and polycystic ovarian disorder, while Bernard had male factor infertility.
They immediately commenced to address the fertility challenges with treatments.
“It involves washing and processing of the sperm before injection into the fallopian tube. The initial perfusion was done by Dr. Chisara Okeke, and the second was done by Dr Jaiyeola Adeyemi – both IVF physicians at the Centre.” Bernard said while speaking on artificial insemination.
Two week later, she was confirmed pregnant with quadruplets.
It wasn’t a smooth ride all the way. The couple confirm she had to be admitted early for close monitoring.
She had elective Caesarean section by a team of specialists.Helen’s anesthetic was spinal according to Vanguard, so she was awake through out the procedure and heard her children crying.
They have three girls and a boy.

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