Its gladdens me to tell you all that has been keeping update with the 'Teasers' on forth coming Novel on Terrorism I have been posting for some times now. The Novel written by actor and producer Victor Edogun. now I have painstakingly bring all the teasers together for a pleasurable reading of those reading for the first time likewise those of us who wants all the story together.
Some of the Teasers from my forthcoming Novel on Terrorism regarding the wave of Terror around the world which has been the order of the day, more so, recently. It's visionary--even parts that seem like assumptions are coming to pass weekly, with astonishing near-precision. More Teasers coming up till full Novel manuscript is published shortly. Enjoy!
"These Options are obsolete. A Helicopter dispatch is not economical ,and of course, it could be shot down.Pipelines under ground are cumbersome and also not practicable, considering our sensitive targets."
"So, what is the strategy ?" Crocker enquires, still miffed and somewhat skeptical.
"That is the mystery that will be unravelled in a minute...quite effective and realistic. Our little army of Executors and Volunteers are on ground as we speak".
Kata glances at his wrist-watch for time.
"Right about now, some of them are on their way to familiarize with the targets. Needless to tell you we have our ready insiders in the Building already. This is not another Shopping Mall assault. The Kenyan experience was bad enough. We lost some valuable men..Though we got the desired international attention, our success was far too limited...This project will be different.". Kata states emphatically.
..This is a marked deviation from our original contract of bunkering Oil Supplies across National Borders to procure arms.. An assignment tantamount to the annihilation of 100,000 to 150,000 human lives...But I need the money desperately.
"So, what is the strategy ?" Crocker enquires, still miffed and somewhat skeptical.
"That is the mystery that will be unravelled in a minute...quite effective and realistic. Our little army of Executors and Volunteers are on ground as we speak".
Kata glances at his wrist-watch for time.
"Right about now, some of them are on their way to familiarize with the targets. Needless to tell you we have our ready insiders in the Building already. This is not another Shopping Mall assault. The Kenyan experience was bad enough. We lost some valuable men..Though we got the desired international attention, our success was far too limited...This project will be different.". Kata states emphatically.
..This is a marked deviation from our original contract of bunkering Oil Supplies across National Borders to procure arms.. An assignment tantamount to the annihilation of 100,000 to 150,000 human lives...But I need the money desperately.
The militant Cartel which secures my bunkering pipelines have issued a terminal warning if their remunerations are not paid up in a week. Family sentiments and Ties are not enough reasons to call off a major break like selfish reason is...these cruel animals will slit my throat or pump me full of Lead at the slightest suspicion of sabotage...I am between the Devil and the deep Blue Sea !"
The hard Gun-man's eyes seemed to spit fire. He wasn't used to taking orders, especially from filthy-rich bloody Civillians like the one presently sitting just a punch away from him.
"...You soothe my Nerves very's so easy to relax in your arms after the day's stress."I was born to please you" . Nse enthuses.
"You say incredible things..untrue, maybe, but I love them...doesn't look like we've only known for a short while..Guess what, am going to spoil you a bit...You can have this love-nest for keeps. Bring your stuffs and live here."
"What? You can't be serious ! "Of course I am...At my age, I can't afford to play with words".O Honourable, you are the best, King, my Hero". That Convertible outside is also yours for keeps.."
"Gosh! Sweetheart, you just blew my mind..Now am going to blow yours too !"
Nse fiddles under the sheets for Brillo's symbol of passion...The Law-maker let's out a soft moan...
"...You'll need a Senior Advocate to get you a minimal ten-year punitive Jail-term..My duty is to see to it that you get a good SAN. No one is greater than the collective citizenry of this Country...brotherly sentiments, not withstanding !". Sen. Nelson affirms, looking straight into his bemoaning brother's eyes as SSS operatives lead him away.
"Living for Today
Is the focus of the small-minded..
Bigger minds live everyday for the Tomorrows !"
"Boss, look!"
Both men observe the Monitors closer as Shaib gropes around and smashes a sensor hidden behind a wall painting..The visuals on a particular Monitor fizzle out. Kata grits his teeth in rage :
"They have to die ! "Where is Mustaib ?". Enquires Al Khaleb, his bushy moustache betraying the twitching of fleshy Lips underneath as he surveyed the Posh, Exquisite interiors of the 5-star Hotel Hall. "He is already seated at the adjoining Prep. room". Replied Toshi, one of the Debate Conveners, readily attendant and careful not to touch a raw nerve on the Cleric Leader's famous fiesty temperament. "What is he doing there ? Is that where we are meeting ? ".
The hard Gun-man's eyes seemed to spit fire. He wasn't used to taking orders, especially from filthy-rich bloody Civillians like the one presently sitting just a punch away from him.
"...You soothe my Nerves very's so easy to relax in your arms after the day's stress."I was born to please you" . Nse enthuses.
"You say incredible things..untrue, maybe, but I love them...doesn't look like we've only known for a short while..Guess what, am going to spoil you a bit...You can have this love-nest for keeps. Bring your stuffs and live here."
"What? You can't be serious ! "Of course I am...At my age, I can't afford to play with words".O Honourable, you are the best, King, my Hero". That Convertible outside is also yours for keeps.."
"Gosh! Sweetheart, you just blew my mind..Now am going to blow yours too !"
Nse fiddles under the sheets for Brillo's symbol of passion...The Law-maker let's out a soft moan...
"...You'll need a Senior Advocate to get you a minimal ten-year punitive Jail-term..My duty is to see to it that you get a good SAN. No one is greater than the collective citizenry of this Country...brotherly sentiments, not withstanding !". Sen. Nelson affirms, looking straight into his bemoaning brother's eyes as SSS operatives lead him away.
"Living for Today
Is the focus of the small-minded..
Bigger minds live everyday for the Tomorrows !"
"Boss, look!"
Both men observe the Monitors closer as Shaib gropes around and smashes a sensor hidden behind a wall painting..The visuals on a particular Monitor fizzle out. Kata grits his teeth in rage :
"They have to die ! "Where is Mustaib ?". Enquires Al Khaleb, his bushy moustache betraying the twitching of fleshy Lips underneath as he surveyed the Posh, Exquisite interiors of the 5-star Hotel Hall. "He is already seated at the adjoining Prep. room". Replied Toshi, one of the Debate Conveners, readily attendant and careful not to touch a raw nerve on the Cleric Leader's famous fiesty temperament. "What is he doing there ? Is that where we are meeting ? ".
No Sir. We wanted you to be comfortably seated and adjusted before any one else comes in here ---- in line with the traditional reverence for our dignified Leaders".
Al khaleb appraises the opulence of his surrounding, one more time. "If I find out that a Penny of an Infidel's Charity has gone into acquiring this place for the meeting, I will be out of here without a warning...Someone's checking that out already. "Nothing of the sort, sir.. Our zonal base is well-funded. We can host several of these meetings, here, every week, all year round without batting an eye-lid. Our financial Well is almost bottomless.
Al khaleb appraises the opulence of his surrounding, one more time. "If I find out that a Penny of an Infidel's Charity has gone into acquiring this place for the meeting, I will be out of here without a warning...Someone's checking that out already. "Nothing of the sort, sir.. Our zonal base is well-funded. We can host several of these meetings, here, every week, all year round without batting an eye-lid. Our financial Well is almost bottomless.
We are very equal to the task, sir ".Mustaib affirms. Al Khaleb squints a bit. Very informed himself, he has a feeder repertoire of monetary support from Regional "Brothers" --- and this has been considerable. In his younger days as Arabic Teacher and inspirational Speaker, he spared no breath in telling his attentive Scholars that his "Brothers in unison, are capable of feeding the entire World------White, Black, Yellow, whatever race, all put together, forever ! ".
One of the Faithfuls, an intellectual who doubles as a Key Personal Assistant saunters across the expansive Hall. By the Cleric's side, he bends to whisper a message. "Call in your man, let's get this meeting started..One hour !...I will not be here a minute longer !".
Toshi hurries across, excited to have crossed the first hurdle. Al Khaleb stares fixedly at Mustaib as the latter approaches.
One of the Faithfuls, an intellectual who doubles as a Key Personal Assistant saunters across the expansive Hall. By the Cleric's side, he bends to whisper a message. "Call in your man, let's get this meeting started..One hour !...I will not be here a minute longer !".
Toshi hurries across, excited to have crossed the first hurdle. Al Khaleb stares fixedly at Mustaib as the latter approaches.
His piercing stare could have enslaved the younger man's confidence..but no, the astute, irrepressible former Youth Leader had been to many verbal Battlefields, unscarthed. Victory and himself were on first-name basis. This particular meeting with a hardline Religionist should be no exception, he assured himself as he brushed off the stinging stares with a geniality that momentarily throws the dreaded Extremist off-guard. "Asalam-a-lai kum....Top of the day to you Sir". Greets Mustaib. "Sit down. I haven't got much time ". The senior Cleric stated impatiently, instead of the customary civil response. "Amin Allekumun-Salam ". Mustaib, least expecting any better, takes a Seat, directly opposite the bearded, bulky frame that relentlessly stabbed his Psyche' with spiteful stares. All other fellows attentively stand or sit some distance away; watchful, some intent on the security of the place and of the two men as they get set to engage each other with words...
All ready : Camera, Lights, Crew, audience, the Compere cuts the ice with introductions ---and signals the start-off. Mustaib shoots the first dart. "Sir, I respect the Liberty that gives voice to ideological differences. What my Movement is against and I find worrisome is individuals perpetuating their Selfish motives, ambition and aims under the umbrella of our sacred religion. The deceit, double-standards and attendant violence have gone on too long.
The wanton Jihads must stop. If, however they continue, they should do so atop other Pedestals, not Islam. It is wicked for Leaders who plundered their
Country time and time again to make new attempts at Power using our downtrodden people as breastplate now that their shame is up and the terrain is tougher. Our Religion is sacred, not bloodthirsty. Peace is one of the Tenets it propagates." Mustaib reiterates. "Shut up, right there, you insensitive, untoward fool ! ". Al khaleb shoots back, almost lifting off his seat, his voice thundering....
" Shut up right there, you insensitive untoward fool ! Al-Khaleb shot back. Didn't your basic teachings justify the elimination of anything that threatens to destroy our sacred Faith? You open your foul, tame eyes when, everyday, immoral uncouth cultures brazenly stampede the Tenets we hold dear...all in the name of civilization and freedom of expression ? Tenets of our resolve in Almighty Allah, in this life and hereafter...propagated with severity and sacrifice by the Holy Prophet and ancestral adherents of our esteemed faith !
Your generation and others like yours do not deserve the accolade bestowed on you by His Grace. You have been brainwashed, cursed and become unworthy of cleansing...Your compromises pollute our religion and struggle.
Your reckless Brotherhood doles out charities that belie weakness and a bastard orientation.. You join forces with Infidels to rubbish your own existence and people.. Are you blind to the accursed immorality their civilization and indoctrinations spread around the world ? The naked abuse and stench of whoredom which you imbibe in the name of Fashion, Liberty and Expression ?... Can't you see that even they, hate one another ?..engaging humanity in World wars, time and time again ?..creating and advancing the deadliest weapons of destruction--- even improving upon them, day in, day out ?...Do you know that at least 10 million Soldiers died in World war 1 alone (many more, in world war 2) and 21 million were wounded, nearly wiping out a generation of young men ? While Tens of thousands who returned were either disabled in body or mind..
Are you numb to the avarices of their democracies, technologies and ideologies which enslaved races for decades with ploys to build their cities and foster assumed superiority over all other humans ? Can't you interpret their covet actions of continuous world dominance with puppet schemes touted as gracious Scholarships and residencies in their lands ?...Who mentors those pervert absurdities and unnatural courses in the world today, coaxing humanity into same-sex marriages, relationships and other oddities ? Who is sending the wrath of Allah upon the Earth with unending Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods, Famine, incurable diseases,, Plaques, Calamities ?.. Who ?...Answer me ! Traitor !..who ?".. Al-Khaleb thunders, rising to his feet..."So, who is manipulating brethren, like us, against one another all over the Continents ?.. Answer me, fool !.. Who supports usurpers of our holy lands and are allies to our Enemies ?..Who ?... So, we destroy their twin Towers of Babel, killing a few of their vile offsprings and wiping out a few others here and there, Nincompoops like you scream... can't you see we are cleansing and doing the world a favour ? well as coaxing their plundering minds into repentance ?.
Terror will continue to reign all over, so long as important Beliefs, Faiths and people are maligned, scorned, trampled upon, abused, cheated, intimidated or relegated !...Was religion responsible for the Terror activities of the Irish Republican Army over decades ?...Are you not also aware that extravagant, corrupt and insensitive Leaderships occasioned the French Revolution ?.. Why do subservient Cowards like your Sect turn away from Nigerian Goverment's vagrant hypocrisy in giving Niger Delta Militants money and training Schemes for their members but in contrast, when Boko Haram emerged, members of the Sect were killed ?
The wanton Jihads must stop. If, however they continue, they should do so atop other Pedestals, not Islam. It is wicked for Leaders who plundered their
Country time and time again to make new attempts at Power using our downtrodden people as breastplate now that their shame is up and the terrain is tougher. Our Religion is sacred, not bloodthirsty. Peace is one of the Tenets it propagates." Mustaib reiterates. "Shut up, right there, you insensitive, untoward fool ! ". Al khaleb shoots back, almost lifting off his seat, his voice thundering....
" Shut up right there, you insensitive untoward fool ! Al-Khaleb shot back. Didn't your basic teachings justify the elimination of anything that threatens to destroy our sacred Faith? You open your foul, tame eyes when, everyday, immoral uncouth cultures brazenly stampede the Tenets we hold dear...all in the name of civilization and freedom of expression ? Tenets of our resolve in Almighty Allah, in this life and hereafter...propagated with severity and sacrifice by the Holy Prophet and ancestral adherents of our esteemed faith !
Your generation and others like yours do not deserve the accolade bestowed on you by His Grace. You have been brainwashed, cursed and become unworthy of cleansing...Your compromises pollute our religion and struggle.
Your reckless Brotherhood doles out charities that belie weakness and a bastard orientation.. You join forces with Infidels to rubbish your own existence and people.. Are you blind to the accursed immorality their civilization and indoctrinations spread around the world ? The naked abuse and stench of whoredom which you imbibe in the name of Fashion, Liberty and Expression ?... Can't you see that even they, hate one another ?..engaging humanity in World wars, time and time again ?..creating and advancing the deadliest weapons of destruction--- even improving upon them, day in, day out ?...Do you know that at least 10 million Soldiers died in World war 1 alone (many more, in world war 2) and 21 million were wounded, nearly wiping out a generation of young men ? While Tens of thousands who returned were either disabled in body or mind..
Are you numb to the avarices of their democracies, technologies and ideologies which enslaved races for decades with ploys to build their cities and foster assumed superiority over all other humans ? Can't you interpret their covet actions of continuous world dominance with puppet schemes touted as gracious Scholarships and residencies in their lands ?...Who mentors those pervert absurdities and unnatural courses in the world today, coaxing humanity into same-sex marriages, relationships and other oddities ? Who is sending the wrath of Allah upon the Earth with unending Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods, Famine, incurable diseases,, Plaques, Calamities ?.. Who ?...Answer me ! Traitor !..who ?".. Al-Khaleb thunders, rising to his feet..."So, who is manipulating brethren, like us, against one another all over the Continents ?.. Answer me, fool !.. Who supports usurpers of our holy lands and are allies to our Enemies ?..Who ?... So, we destroy their twin Towers of Babel, killing a few of their vile offsprings and wiping out a few others here and there, Nincompoops like you scream... can't you see we are cleansing and doing the world a favour ? well as coaxing their plundering minds into repentance ?.
Terror will continue to reign all over, so long as important Beliefs, Faiths and people are maligned, scorned, trampled upon, abused, cheated, intimidated or relegated !...Was religion responsible for the Terror activities of the Irish Republican Army over decades ?...Are you not also aware that extravagant, corrupt and insensitive Leaderships occasioned the French Revolution ?.. Why do subservient Cowards like your Sect turn away from Nigerian Goverment's vagrant hypocrisy in giving Niger Delta Militants money and training Schemes for their members but in contrast, when Boko Haram emerged, members of the Sect were killed ?
"...Al-Khaleb spurted, supressing a burning desire to mangle the Youth Leader's fragile frame. Mustaib, however finds his voice again. "But violence in retaliation for violence has only generated more violence. Time enough now for Peace, Dialogue and Compromises.. Which of the problems you denounced was created by the innocently masacred ?..some in their sleep, some, students --and even children.. There is no rational vision in such a cause but sheer vagabond bloodthirstiness !" "If you utter one more word of insult, your carcass will be carried out of this Hall in minutes !" Fumed Al-Khaleb, struggling to supress a boiling rage as he fidgets in his pocket for a weapon of assault, forgetting temporarily that every attendant to the meeting had been rigorously frisked and disarmed at the venue's 3-tier security entrances. Nonetheless, the younger Sect Leader was not done, having built up steam from a lapse of quietness.
The militants you mentioned, were mostly focused on securing autonomy for the Delta region, not on imposing any radical religious ideology or Leader." Postulates Mustaib. "You see ?..You and your traitor Sect would rather align with strangers to fight your own brothers.. You are so sickening and are the ones making our efforts such a struggle and hard task in a Country that is the World's 7th most populous, and also the World's second largest importer of Champagne, but same Country, which, albeit, is unable to deliver more than a few hours of Electricity a day !" Snorted Al-Khaleb, intermittently pacing in half-circles.
He mouths a few incoherence before continuing his outbursts... "Aren't your Leaders"Aren't some of your Leaders common Looters of the Treasury, consistently propping up people who walk away with contract funds, without doing any work and make rich Criminals the freest, loudest and most visible people ?" Fires Al-Khaleb, his eyes shooting Darts. "With all due respect, Imam Al-Khaleb, that is the most jaundiced rhetoric of un-patriotism my ears have ever been assaulted with...I choose to see the glass of water before us, half-full, not half-empty.
He mouths a few incoherence before continuing his outbursts... "Aren't your Leaders"Aren't some of your Leaders common Looters of the Treasury, consistently propping up people who walk away with contract funds, without doing any work and make rich Criminals the freest, loudest and most visible people ?" Fires Al-Khaleb, his eyes shooting Darts. "With all due respect, Imam Al-Khaleb, that is the most jaundiced rhetoric of un-patriotism my ears have ever been assaulted with...I choose to see the glass of water before us, half-full, not half-empty.
It is unfortunate that our mind-sets have strongholds which must be shattered before basic Communal co-existence can thrive peacefully and progressively.. as well too, a very fundamental Truth that, indeed, people must change before Nations do.. Generation after generation, Nations and Civilizations have come, gone, some stayed, many with their peculiar shortcomings, challenges, issues ; still the Human race thrives and survives because certain Noble minds have believed where others disbelieved, have strived, where others retreated, have sacrificed or compromised for overall positive advantage and common good where others rebelled; been optimistic where others have sneered and been pessimistic ---Folks who have been faithful and committed with Nationalistic hope where others languished with venom, hatred, vengeance and un- forgiveness ."
Emotion-laden with Tear-filled eyes, Mustaib continues in his diatribe. " That religion which we perceive with hate has its spiritual Leader extolled in our own Holy Book : "Pa man kala Isa Ibn marimu Ya bani Iseala ini rasuluhal Aman ilaikum " Which in translation, means "There is one Jesus The Son of Marian From the tribe of Israel May the blessings of God Be with Him forever, Amen." Also, interestingly, is the fact that our Holy Book ascribes a father to all the great messengers of Allah from Ibrahim but none to this one mentioned immediately above except as son of Marian. Thus, every true faithful of our calling must acknowledge that a Jihad or fight is necessary when, and only when, the Faith or the Holy Prophet Mohammed is at risk of serious or critical blemish not before such.
Which is why our Brotherhood puts a large amount of money towards Human Medical Services and to share with people during disasters. As well, we have been building a grassroots Organization for decades, using University Campuses, Charities and close-knit family Networks for recruitment. The Brotherhood's Charity Operations have been especially effective in earning admiration. After the 1992 Cairo Earthquake, the Group distributed Tents and Materials to 2000 people who lost their homes and Livelihoods. Many Brotherhood members are Doctors and Pharmacists who help fill the health care void left by Egypt's woefully, ill-equipped Govt. Hospitals, for instance. The Islamic Brotherhood-linked Charity operates 29 Hospitals throughout that Country, providing inexpensive but comprehensive Services for poor Citizens, an acknowledged welfare program anticipated for many other African Countries. My sect is poised to build on and continue the great strides made by our Noble Predecessors of the Faith. It is noted in Human History that muslim Observatories brought Scientists from many fields together.
Which is why our Brotherhood puts a large amount of money towards Human Medical Services and to share with people during disasters. As well, we have been building a grassroots Organization for decades, using University Campuses, Charities and close-knit family Networks for recruitment. The Brotherhood's Charity Operations have been especially effective in earning admiration. After the 1992 Cairo Earthquake, the Group distributed Tents and Materials to 2000 people who lost their homes and Livelihoods. Many Brotherhood members are Doctors and Pharmacists who help fill the health care void left by Egypt's woefully, ill-equipped Govt. Hospitals, for instance. The Islamic Brotherhood-linked Charity operates 29 Hospitals throughout that Country, providing inexpensive but comprehensive Services for poor Citizens, an acknowledged welfare program anticipated for many other African Countries. My sect is poised to build on and continue the great strides made by our Noble Predecessors of the Faith. It is noted in Human History that muslim Observatories brought Scientists from many fields together.
Our progressive Faithfuls were the first to use the Compass, Quadrant, Astrolabe, Globe, Builder's Square and Plumb. Muslim Architects used the Builder's Square and Plumb to build Walls and Floors that were straight. Some astronomical Instruments were used to map the Skies. Other Tools helped Scientists make more accurate maps, measure the depth of Wells and the height of mountains, tell Time, and study the motions of Planets. Muslim work in Astronomy provided the foundation for later advances in Navigation. Astronomers used Lenses to improve Telescopic Observations and Engineers applied knowledge of Geometry to Building. The muslims also invented the first mechanical Clock. In Agricultural Technology, the Muslims improved on Persian Irrigation methods, built Aqueducts and spread the use of the Persian Windmill to ventilate Homes, Muslim Architects constructed Towers to catch the Wind.
The Muslims served as Channels for the preservation and spread of Knowledge from ancient Persia, Greece and India. They laid the groundwork for the technological achievements of many later peoples. To get accurate information for Maps, Geographer Al-Idrisi sent men to different parts of the Muslim World to do research and make drawings. The Map was designed so that one looked upward from Northern Europe at the bottom of the map toward Arabia and the Indian Ocean.
The proof in Arabic of one of Euclid's Theorems in Geometry reflects Muslim interest in Mathematics. The muslims used Geometry to design Mosques and Palaces. To decorate these Buildings, they developed complex designs using geometric figures. They built domed roofs in Byzantine style which made building interiors airy and open. Mosaics of light and dark stone or glazed tiles were formed into graceful geometric patterns on walls, roofs and Courtyards. There were no statues or paintings of religious figures in Mosques, because the Koran forbade representing living creatures. Passages from the Koran were written in decorative Arabic script on both the inside and outside walls. Persian artists excelled in delicate miniature paintings, which were influenced by Chinese art..
The Muslims served as Channels for the preservation and spread of Knowledge from ancient Persia, Greece and India. They laid the groundwork for the technological achievements of many later peoples. To get accurate information for Maps, Geographer Al-Idrisi sent men to different parts of the Muslim World to do research and make drawings. The Map was designed so that one looked upward from Northern Europe at the bottom of the map toward Arabia and the Indian Ocean.
The proof in Arabic of one of Euclid's Theorems in Geometry reflects Muslim interest in Mathematics. The muslims used Geometry to design Mosques and Palaces. To decorate these Buildings, they developed complex designs using geometric figures. They built domed roofs in Byzantine style which made building interiors airy and open. Mosaics of light and dark stone or glazed tiles were formed into graceful geometric patterns on walls, roofs and Courtyards. There were no statues or paintings of religious figures in Mosques, because the Koran forbade representing living creatures. Passages from the Koran were written in decorative Arabic script on both the inside and outside walls. Persian artists excelled in delicate miniature paintings, which were influenced by Chinese art..
In Arabic folk tales, heroes used a flying carpet to travel magically from place to place...The ancient skills of making carpets are still carried on in Iran (Persia), Arabia, Turkey and other muslim countries. Carpets are made by knotting thousands of small pieces of Wool yarn onto a background fabric. Some very fine rugs have as many as 2400 knots in a square inch ! Muslim rulers defended, enforced and spread the faith through Laws laid down in the Koran. Islamic belief held that all muslims were equals regardless of their social class or race. In the Lands they conquered, Muslims allowed other believers in ONE GOD TO PRACTICE THEIR RELIGIONS AND CUSTOMS AND HAVE THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES.
Jews and Christians, called "People of the Book" had to obey Muslim Laws and pay a special tax. People who followed Pagan religions, however, were forced to convert. Though slavery was common in most cultures during the origin of islam, in muslim lands the lives of Slaves improved, for the Koran called for humane treatment and permitted Slaves to own Property. Most Slaves in the Muslim World were household Servants and Helpers in Workshops. Some were well educated and became government officials, Entertainers or Soldiers..
A 9th century Arab Mathematician wrote the first work on Algebra. Others worked out new ideas in Geometry and Trignometry. Arab Scientists discovered some basic chemical processes and formulae and made new compounds. Algebra, Alcohol, and Alkali are all derived from Arabic words. Muslim Astronomers tested and corrected the observations made by ancient Astronomers, particularly the Greek Scientist Ptolemy.
Observatories were built in the great muslim centers at Cordova, Toledo, Baghdad and Cairo. These Astronomers worked out new ways of calculating the movements of Stars and Planets. They made accurate Star Maps and gave names to some Stars. Using the Medical knowledge of the ancient Greeks, Physicians in Muslim Lands became the best-trained and most skilful Doctors of the 8th and 9th centuries. Surgeons performed amputations and removed cancerous tissue. Muslim advances in Chemistry created new Medicines and Aesthetics that were used in performing operations. The Persian Al-Razi headed the Hospital in Baghdad in the 9th century.
He wrote a Medical Encyclopaedia in which he discussed Measles, Kidney Stones, Poisons, Skin diseases and ways of maintaining one's health. He carefully noted the symptoms of various illnesses. The works of Rhazes, translated into Latin, were widely consulted by Doctors in medieval Europe. The World-famous "Thousand and One Nights (sometimes called the ARABIAN NIGHTS) is set in Harun Al-Rashid's Baghdad and is a collection of stories from India, Persia, Arabia and other lands.
Among the well-known tales are those about Aladdin and his wonderful Lamp and Simbad the Sailor... That is the islamic Faith I am proudly a part of and that I recommend for the prosperity of Humanity and the peaceful co-existence of all races with unequivocal, undiluted respect for the sanctity of Human Life ! " Concluded Mustaib. There was pin-drop silence as Al-Khaleb eyes the younger man balefully, beckoning on his men to exit the meeting, and quickly taking a call from an anonymous Caller. "You know what your Clique is?
Traitors and Losers !" His big frame is quickly surrounded by an intimidating retinue of Guards and Staff as he saunters hastily out of the Hall, while Mustaib mutters under his own breath, inaudibly : ".....and you, Sir, are THE BULL in a CHINA SHOP who ought to show Restraint and exhibit some Dignity !"

Back in the Academy, Ben would scarcely speak to any of the other boys until he was sure of what had happened. He hadn't even broken the news about Prof's disapearance. Their morale would be severely battered. All their hopes hinged on Prof. Sagay successfully making money from the authorities to finance their Scientific projects. Even though these Projects would turn the Country's fortunes around, still they needed private Capital from the only man who had nurtured and brought them together from different backgrounds to form the Academy. Now, they waited, unaware that their Mentor had met with a misadventure.

Back in the Academy, Ben would scarcely speak to any of the other boys until he was sure of what had happened. He hadn't even broken the news about Prof's disapearance. Their morale would be severely battered. All their hopes hinged on Prof. Sagay successfully making money from the authorities to finance their Scientific projects. Even though these Projects would turn the Country's fortunes around, still they needed private Capital from the only man who had nurtured and brought them together from different backgrounds to form the Academy. Now, they waited, unaware that their Mentor had met with a misadventure.
A private assignment which security agents had nosed into. Even Prof. hadn't imagined that his erstwhile Professional Colleague of decades, Dr. Crocker could one day lure him to do the unbelievable ---- assist, unsuspectingly, to produce dangerous Substance for an obscure Terrorist gang ! If only he knew, too, that in just one week, all their research and studies would be plundered and the boys thrown into different detention Units and at the verge of being exterminated as Boko Haram Suspects....a vicious twist of fate from the glorious dreams of the Academy...a budding Institution spirited to turn the Technological fortunes of his beloved Nigeria around. Since Childhood, Ben had vowed to make a difference to his generation. He didn't want to end up as a Statistic, another number amongst those who sought greener Pastures abroad or as droves of his Peers who oscillated from one art form to another, even as a famed Sportsman though he had the requisite athletic frame, build, skills and abilities. He had read somewhere what the whiteman called his kindred...Someone of the Caucasian race surmised that many Africans, whether in their Nativity or in Diaspora, could never amount to anything better than Entertainers and Sportsmen !... What a demeaning Toga ! ... One, he hated with Passion ! What had anyone's content of Character or Brainpower to do with the colour of their skin ? Still, he needed to make a difference to prove it. A Scientific difference. Something that would launch his Era onto the same achieving Pedestal on which stood great Inventors of the past. The legendary likes of Greek's Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, founder of the Scientific method who believed that Theories could be tested or disproved by Observations and Experiments, not by Opinions and in 1609 found evidence to support the idea that the Earth was at the centre of the Universe and it moves round the Sun; England's Isaac Newton who published his Laws of Motion and Gravitation, invented the Reflecting Telescope and explained why the Planets moved in elliptical Orbits to form the Solar System; Albert Einstein who produced a Theory to explain the Photo-Electric Effect and used the Quantum Theory to show that Light travels as bundles of Energy called Photons and further propounded the Theory of Relativity-- E=mc squared-- which gave rise to the development of the first Atomic Bomb;
England's Michael Faraday who in 1821 invented the Electric Motor, in 1831, discovered the Generator, Transformer, Benzene and later the Dynamo, discovering as well Electromagnetic induction and the Laws of Electrolysis and is regarded by History today as the father of Electricity; Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison who invented the Light Bulb which led to the idea of domestic and Street Lighting and the development of the National Grid in the absence of which Society as we know it could not have existed without this way of supplying Energy; Alexander Graham Bell who in 1876 patented the Telephone; James Clerk Maxwell who developed a Mathematical Theory of Electromagnetic waves which included the prediction that there could be Radio waves a prelude to Germany's Heinrich Hertz in 1888 showing the World how to make Radio waves and in 1901, Spanish Guglielmo Marconi sent Radio signals across the Atlantic prior to the Team of John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley in 1948 inventing the Transistor whilst the invention of the Integrated Circuit in 1958 led to the micro-Computer.
England's Michael Faraday who in 1821 invented the Electric Motor, in 1831, discovered the Generator, Transformer, Benzene and later the Dynamo, discovering as well Electromagnetic induction and the Laws of Electrolysis and is regarded by History today as the father of Electricity; Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison who invented the Light Bulb which led to the idea of domestic and Street Lighting and the development of the National Grid in the absence of which Society as we know it could not have existed without this way of supplying Energy; Alexander Graham Bell who in 1876 patented the Telephone; James Clerk Maxwell who developed a Mathematical Theory of Electromagnetic waves which included the prediction that there could be Radio waves a prelude to Germany's Heinrich Hertz in 1888 showing the World how to make Radio waves and in 1901, Spanish Guglielmo Marconi sent Radio signals across the Atlantic prior to the Team of John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley in 1948 inventing the Transistor whilst the invention of the Integrated Circuit in 1958 led to the micro-Computer.
From thence, modern Communication speeded up with the use of Optical Fibres and Lasers, using Digital signals which allowed the development of the World wide web on the INTERNET which was invented by Tim Barnes-Lee in 1989. Other notable Inventors whom Ben had read about and greatly admired, himself straggling in their footsteps included Thomas Newcomen, Inventor of the Steam Engine (1705); Benjamin Franklin, Inventor of the Lightning Conductor (1752); Jean-Pierre Blanchard, Inventor of the Parachute (1785); Joseph Bramah, Inventor of the Hydraulic Press ( 1795); Carl Benz, Inventor of the Motor Car (1885); William Friese-Greene, Inventor of the Cine-Camera (1889): Wilhelm Rontgen discoverer of X-rays (1895); Henri Becquerel, Discoverer of Radioactivity (1896); Joseph Niepce, Inventor of Photography (1826); John Logie Baird, Inventor of the Television (1926); Frank Whittle, Inventor of the Jet Engine (1930)---Precursor to the Aeroplane; Robert Watson-Watt, Discoverer of Radar (1935)--- a significant help to the British Force's resistance to Hitler Germany's Blitzkrieg air Onslaughts during the second World War. The Radar was an Electronic tracking System. It could tell the number, speed and direction of incoming Warplanes. Another important secret weapon which turned the tide in the British favour was a German code-making machine named Enigma. A complete Enigma machine was smuggled to Great Britain in 1938. With Enigma in their possession, the British had German secret messages open to them. With information gathered by these Devices, RAF (Royal Air Force) Fliers could quickly get to German Airplanes and inflict deadly harm on the enemy. To avoid the RAF's attacks, the Germans gave up daylight raids in October 1940 in favour of night bombing. At sunset, the wail of Sirens filled the air as Londoners flocked to the Subways. There they spent the night in air-raid Shelters. Some rode out the blasts at home in Basements or in smaller air-raid shelters. The battle of Britain continued until May 10, 1941. Stunned by British resistance, Hitler decided to call off his attacks. Instead, he focussed his attention on Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean...the battle of Britain had ended. And, from it, the Allied Forces had learnt a crucial lesson : Hitler's advances could be blocked.
Ben had no less respect for recent Inventors like Enrico Fermi who invented the Nuclear Reactor (1942) ---- a radical device which utilizes the Energy from a chain reaction to make Uranium fuel rods encased in a thick Concrete shield glow red hot while the attendant heat is carried away by a carbon dioxide or water- coolant pumped through the Reactor. In a close-by Exchanger, the heat boils water to make high-pressure steam, the same as in a coal-fired or oil-fired power station. The steam turns a Turbine... and a Generator makes Electricity.
Now,however, the killing of Ben and his Colleagues seemed quite imminent. So also, the subversion of five years of painstaking efforts by the Academy and loss of its Progenitor, Professor Sagay. Goodbye to the Scientific Boardroom where an avalanche of progressive ideas had been nurtured, tested and made ready to weave a novel chapter for the most populous Black Nation on Earth. An array of inventions, Postulations, Discoveries and Technological Landmarks were about to be laid waste on the cranky, macabre Podium of Terrorism...What a crying shame !..When comes such a time again ? Who could save this dream ?...or stall this threatening assasination of Genius ?... Who ? The rhetoric continued to reverberate in Ben's boggling thoughts... His mind suffused in a Cobweb of frightening possibilities....
More To Come
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