Monday 2 April 2012


Pundists, Amateur and Beginners all for the Assocaition of Nigeria Thearte practitioners (ANTP) took to the street of lagos amass and head the journey to the Governor's office to show there grievances againt the lifeless  monster 'PIRACY' that has fed and still feeding fat on illegal dob of there  movie production works, the group agitate that pirating of there own man works as been the other of the day at the Alaba international market. they also claims that most of the 6 in 1 cds and Dvd is never from there stable put the work of pirates that have dob the genuie and authentic work. 
There banners and flyiers which was boldly written ' PIRACY KILLS' lets KILL PIRACY,  was fly by almost 2/3 of the group,they also claim that Alaba market as being the centre of excellency for this pirates which must be closed down.
Though the Governor cease to made him self available to them but they were attend to by some state commissioners, who calm them down and told them not to do anything that will be against the law. the commissioner also in his address state to the group to  profer a lawful solutions in there own way and the  state government will back them up.
But as the rally was on it was noted that the crowd engulfed only the Yoruba Actors while their counterparts doing the English version were missing at the rally.

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