Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tunisian Female Footballer Changes Sex, Now Mohammed Ali

A Tunisian Muslim female footballer, Fatima Maleh, has announced that she is now a man after performing a transgender operation to be officially registered as Mohammad Ali.
“Everything was fine when I was a child, but things started to develop when I reached the age of puberty,” Maleh told Sport Radio Nationale, Al Arabiya reported.

“When I passed the age of 12 and 13 and nothing happened, I began to wonder and ask questions, but I found no explanation.

“But I started to sense that I am not a female when I grew up a little order and started to feel attracted to girls,” Maleh added.
Maleh’s problems maximized during high school when he found himself attracted to everything boys were doing.
Raised in southern Tunisian hometown of Tataouine, it was not easy to allow a girl play football with other boys.
“I could not play with the boys in Tataouine because of traditions; they used to beat me when I go play with them,” he said.
Growing up, Maleh became an international football player in a Gulf-based team, where he kept his secret untold.
He took the first steps to change his sex in 2008 when he underwent a medical examination and obtained a certificate showing that he has more male hormones and masculine body features.
“My sex organs look more like a man’s,” he said.
Based on that certificate, Maleh was able to win a court ruling to change his sex in civil records and national identity card.
He said on June 24, 2013 he received his new ID card with his chosen name Mohammad Ali.
In Islam, changing one’s sex is not permissible if the person (male or female) has complete male or female sex organs.
However, it is possible for the hermaphrodites to get assigned a certain sex, by means of medical intervention (surgical and/or hormonal therapy) and behavioral training.
In 1988, sex-reassignment surgery was declared acceptable under Islamic law by scholars at the world’s oldest Islamic university, Al-Azhar, in Egypt but only for Hermaprodites - people born with both sexual characteristics, physically both male and female -
Sex changes have been deemed legal in Iran since Ayatolla Khomeini passed a fatwa authorizing them for “diagnosed transsexuals” over 25 years ago.

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