Thursday 21 November 2013

SuperBoy: Baby Born Within Five Minutes And Twelve Months On, He Walk, Talk and Operate Laptop Computer

Superbaby: Jonathon was born in five minutes and could walk and talk by the time he was seven months old

May be he could be another Superman to reckon with who knows. but Spitfire baby' as he his called - because he was born just five minutes after his mother went into labour one year ago.
Heather Thorpe, 24, from Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham, gave birth to 5lbs 7oz Jonathon last November in an incredibly speedy delivery.And now, 12 months on, the impressive infant shows no signs of slowing down.

Jonathon has learned an astonishing array of skills in the short time he's been on this earth.

While most of his peers are only just getting up on their feet, Jonathon has been walking and talking since he was seven months old.

Since then, he's learned how to dance, and his proud parents report that he enjoys throwing shapes to his favourite song, Gangnam Style.

What's more, ahead of his first birthday, Jonathon has proved himself to be increasingly tech-savvy. He can operate his mother's laptop computer and knows how to use a remote control to change TV channels.

Heather is convinced her son's rapid development is connected to the speed of his delivery.

'He's intelligent, strong and clever,' she says. 'We can't quite believe how quickly he's progressed. He was already calling me “mummy” by seven months and he's very chatty now.
Heather and Jonathon 
Speedy tot

'The way he picks new things up is amazing, he seems to learn really quickly. It must have something to do with the way he was born.

'He was born quickly and his development has been super-fast as well. Jonathon's got the mind of a two-year-old. He does get through clothes very fast though - his feet are already too big for 12-18 month-sizes in the shops, and he loves food.'

Tomorrow the Spitfire baby turns one. To celebrate his first birthday, Heather and her parents say they will spoil him. 'We've got him a mini piano and a drum set,' said Heather. 'He already loves music.

'He's a big One Direction fan and he loves Peter Andre too.

'But his absolute favourite TV show is Jeremy Kyle - he loves to watch that every morning.
Soaring ahead of other youngsters: Jonathon, who turns one tomorrow, is very talented for his age

'It's been an amazing year with him and we can't wait to see what the future brings.'
Recounting the details of her speedy birth, Heather says that on the evening of 21 November last year, she went to bed at her family home in Birmingham at 11pm.
At that time, her waters had not broken but at 3.55am she had a powerful contraction.

'I got the urge to push and he came into the world at 4am,' she recounts.

Heather's parents Mark, 53, and Marrion, 49, slept through most of her labour. But once roused, they took Heather and Jonathon to Heartlands Hospital to have him examined. 'They said he was fine,' said Heather. 'It was incredible.'

Since then, Heather and Jonathon have lived the doting grandparents. They've been amazed by Jonathon's development.
Newborn: Jonathon and his mother not long after his incredibly quick birth
Newborn: Jonathon and his mother not long after his incredibly quick birth

Mark says, 'He's so clever - as soon as you show him something he picks it up straight away.

'There were no drugs or interventions during the labour so maybe that's why he's come on so quick.

'He's a real little character, people fall in love with him straightaway.

'I get told off if I go to the shops without him - people are expecting to see him.'
Marrion adds, 'He came out so quickly, like a little Spitfire. Heather is amazing. I'm bursting with pride.'

Tech-savvy: Jonathon can operate his mother's laptop and knows how to use the remote control

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