Tuesday 19 March 2013


As Fuji frontline, Chief Kollington Ayinla marks 50 years on stage, he has urged all and sundry to celebrate him while alive and not in death. In response to his request, a band of fuji acts including Abass Akande Obesere, Adewale Ayuba , Pasuma , Safejo have promised a rare joint performance to celebrate the iconic artiste known for his fast tempo and upbeat Fuji music. The event billed for April 28, 2013 at the Timesquare, Ajao Road, Ikeja, Lagos will be witnessed by South West governors, monarchs, eminent personalities including King Sunny Ade and Evangelist Ebenezer Obey. Numerous music acts in Fuji and other genre have also promised to put together a mother of all concerts to honour the Kebe Kwara exponent.

The event, an initiative of Hajia , will start with prayers and discussions on major issues affecting Fuji Music and Music generally in Nigeria. Other highlight of the 50 Years anniversary concert includes the Chief Kollington Ayinla Foundation, an initiative designed to assist upcoming artistes.

Speaking at a press parley to unveil the event, Kollington flanked by Obesere, Ayuba and Pasuma, said he would be glad to witness how he would be celebrated while alive and not in death.

“It will be my greatest joy to see these young artistes who are my children in music celebrating me while alive and not in death. I don’t want a situation whereby drums will be rolled out for me in death, no, let me witness a celebration of my life alive. My heart will be filled with joy if all of you come out and put up great performances in my honour. I’m looking forward to a night of performances in the presence of eminent Nigerians in government, politics, business and entertainment. I fee fulfilled that I have been able to take Fuji to other parts of the world, played to the admiration of the people in Europe and America, I have also used music to bring out the ills, vices and at the same time virtues in our society.

“I have been privileged to use my music to condemn bad and unpopular policies of successive government just as I have promoted lofty and people-oriented policies. I remember when my house was burnt, the government of General Ibrahim Babangida (rtd) sent the then Minister of Information, Chief Alex Akinyele, to sympathize with me. Chief Akinyele told me the decision to show concern and sympathy for that loss was because they always hear my voice each time I use my songs to talk on government policies. In appreciation of that, he gave me a reasonable sum of money to rehabilitate myself. That was a gesture I cannot forget in a hurry.”

“Imagine if I had not been useful and critical of their policies and pointing out those ills, promoting their policies when necessary, would the government send a high caliber representative like the minister? I would have rotten away with the burnt house. So, I want you all to come, join hands and celebrate 50 years on stage with me. I’m happy to celebrate 50 years on stage, come one, come all.

Credit: e247mag

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