Tuesday 15 April 2014

Signs You’re In A Wrong Relationship

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As a young teen who is just starting out in the world as an adult, it’s fun to date, and you can even have a serious relationship or two along the way. But when you are ready to dedicate yourself to a relationship  or are preparing to start your own business, it may be time to slow down and smell the coffee. Ferret well your steps. You have to ask yourself: “Is this person right for me to know how to live a perfect relationship life but if otherwise,Learn from this attributes below:

 The opinion of others does matter. Don’t kid yourself. It’s one thing if mama doesn’t like your romantic interest, but if a whole lot of other family members and even your friends aren’t keen on him/her either, you may need to take a second look. Reality is that unless there is a drastic event to change their opinions, they are not going to change.

 You’re always being criticized. If it’s happening a lot, it can affect your self-esteem. Joking is one thing. But are they jokes or ways to put you down? Good relationships inspire and support. If your mate is comparing you to others, saying your education isn’t as good as his/hers and other kinds of put-downs, this is probably not the person for you.

 You’re the follower and your partner is always the leader. Who’s making the decisions? Are you making them together? Certainly sometimes your savvy will be better than the other person’s, and visa versa, but your partner shouldn’t be making ALL the decisions ALL the time. It’s just not healthy

 Do you wonder what he/she is doing while you are away or out? Do you worry where he/she is and who with? That’s not a good sign. If you do not trust your partner, that’s a big sign of trouble. It’s going to cause arguments and it will drive you crazy.

 It’s never enough. You can’t seem to agree on how much time you’re going to spend together and how you will spend that time. You have to be mutually comfortable with the time that you will be together. If she likes to be with her friends a lot now, it’s not going to change when you get married. We all have things that we want to do as couples. But people also need their alone times, too.

 The physical relationship isn’t happening. If you and your partner aren’t compatible physically now, it’s going to cause problems and maybe even some cheating down the line. It all centers around how much you want and how much the other person wants. If you like a lot of physical contact, but your partner is more aloof, well, that may be a sign of trouble down the road.

 You’ve lost control. Does your partner run your schedule? Does he/she tell you who you can see and what you can do with them? If this makes you happy, then you need to stay home with mama. A healthy relationship is about coming together on each other’s wants and needs. One should not control the other’s life.

You feel it’s your job to make him/her happy. No, it isn’t. There are things you can do to make him/her smile and feel loved. But if your partner gets to a point where he/she is dependent on you to the point of neediness, it’s time to consider the relationship.

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