Wednesday 4 December 2013

Reasons Some Relationship End Before Starting


Relationship in its best sense could be term to having someone you cherish/ love beside you all the time can be lovely and make you do things in extra-ordinary ways. You feel special and love every moment you both share together and truly that’s the essence of a good relationship. But in case these warning sign below are surfacing in your  relationship calling it quit might just be the best option.

Using Abusive Words 

This reason should go without saying: Any relationship that involves abuse of any kind should be ended immediately. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, get help immediately. Abuse (including verbal or emotional abuse) is not love, and no one deserves to be treated that way, man or woman.

Money has been called the root of all evil. It holds true in relationships too. Partners wasting money can become a major problem in a relationship. Financial security is important, and when you are living on the fly, it can be very stressful. This will inevitably come between the two of you. Get out before the financial burden is placed on you!

Lack of respect is a major issue in relationships. Feeling unappreciated and unworthy is going to take its toll. A good indicator it's time to hit the road is when your friends stop coming around because they don't like the way your partner treats you.


Cheating is a deal breaker for most people. Either you want to be with someone or you don't. If you're cheating or being cheated on, there is a serious issue in the relationship causing you or your partner to wander. If you can't work around the indiscretion or if it continues, end it. No one is worth that kind of hurt and humiliation.


Lying in a relationship is intolerable. If you can't be honest with your partner, then it isn't going to work. Trust and honesty are staples of a healthy relationship and go hand in hand; if you don't have those two things, your relationship has no basis.


Many of us want a relationship but still want our independence. Being an individual and staying true to yourself is very important, and your partner should respect that. If your partner is trying to control you or the terms of your relationship and has jealous tendencies, it might be time to move on. Remember you are not a possession.


Without communication, a relationship will crumble -- and fast. You need to be able to talk and express yourselves. If you can't discuss your problems with each other, you'll never truly get to know each other. Tensions will raise, and the relationship will become a constant battle.


If you are choosing to be intimate in your relationship, sex becomes a whole new facet to your success as a couple. If you are having sex and it sucks, it's all downhill from there. Sex is a form of communication. If you aren't comfortable or compatible with each other, the sex won't be good. And if you aren't happy in bed, you aren't happy in life.


Love at first sight is an awesome feeling, but a month later, it may not have held up. It is possible that you may fall hard and fast for someone only to find out that he/she isn't who you thought. It happens. So do the right thing, and get out as soon as the sparks fade.

Just Because

Sometimes you just don't feel it. If you lose the desire to be in your partner's company, then what's the point? Don't beat yourself up over it; if the relationship isn't going anywhere, it's time to move on.

Don't Discuss the Past

The first step to successfully staying friends with an ex is to never talk about the past. The romantic time you spent together is over, and it's best not to reminisce. Drudging up those experiences will only lead to problems in your relationship, and your friendship will suffer. Focus on the present! Being pals with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is often possible, depending on your circumstances, but it's a difficult path to navigate.


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