Thursday 19 September 2013

Meet Lisa Cross A Body Builder 35, Who Claim Lifting Weights Saved Her From Anorexia

          Ms Cross said: 'You do get addicted to it because you get addicted to the endorphins your body is producing in the gym. When I'm training, that's my time. It's when I really feel at one with myself'  Ms Cross said: 'A lot of men are attracted to muscled women. Sometimes it's about them being stronger than they are, sometimes bodybuilding men like a woman who also has muscles'
Lisa Cross hated her body as a teenager and had to wear children’s clothes because she was so tiny.

When Ms Cross was a teenager, her father took a picture of her in a bikini to try and shock her in to eating more. She was so small that she had to wear children's clothes.

But after discovering the world of female bodybuilding when she was in Japan through her body builder boyfriend, now she swapped starvation for ten meals a day and now feels healthier and sexier than ever says the Ms Olympia - the competition for the world's best female bodybuilders.

Ms Cross’s current 5,000 calorie diet consists of oats, rice, protein shakes, turkey, recovery drinks, steak and broccoli.

‘As a bodybuilder you have to be critical about yourself because you can always improve but at the same time I finally feel confident in my own skin.

Lisa with her physical look is still sexy,  ‘I’ve never felt so happy about myself. I feel feminine and I feel sexy.

She said: 'People often ask me why I would put all this work in just to stand on stage for ten minutes and all you get at the end of it is a tin pot trophy. But this is my dream and I've dedicated my life to it'
Ms Lisa with her Trophies 
Ms Cross's days are now taken up with training for an hour and a half six times a week. She eats a 5,000 calorie-a-day diet
In kitchen doing her cooking  

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